I mean, he specializes in high energy weapons 我是说,他专攻高能武器
We re the clues . he specialises in high energy weapons . i do geomagnetics 我们就是线索,他精通高能量武器,我则研究地磁
Almost as diverse as the electromagnetic spectrum itself, directed-energy weapons span a wide range of incarnations 由于电磁波频它本身几乎都不同,定向能武器跨越了一个广泛的形式。
For instance, if you research the next powerful shield or energy weapon, will that automatically show up on all the units you've already built 比如说,如果你研制出来下一代的防护盾或是激光武器,已经建造好的单位会自动更新吗?
The flexibility of directed-energy weapons could be vital as wide-scale, force-on-force conflict becomes increasingly rare, many experts say 定向能武器的适应性对广范围的,军队与军队间的争端是重要的,它变得日渐珍贵,许多专家说。
The hallmark of all directed-energy weapons is that the target-- whether a human or a mechanical object-- has no chance to avoid the shot because it moves at the speed of light 所有定向能武器的特点是,对于目标-无论是一个人或机械物体?将没有机会去避免设计,由于它能以光速移动。
The taserr energy weapon's output leaves no permanent effects, making it the safe choice for family protection : superior self-defense without risk of lethal accidents or wrongful death liability taserr能量武器不会产生永久性的后果,这使它成为家庭防卫的安全选择:卓越的自卫能力同时不会招致致命事故的风险或承担不当使用致死案的责任。
Dupr stated that the international coalition was formed in order to alert the public to extensive non-lethal electro-magnetic weapons ( also known as directed energy weapons or dew ) used on selected persons globally 说到,国际的联合是为警惕在公众身上广泛使用非致命性电磁武器(也叫做定向能武器,简称dew)而组成的,它们已被用于全球的挑选的受害者身上。